Honest truth...I've been eating like a horse and food is sticking to me. I'm doing everything right that I know how to do in order to get BIG and STRONG! To counteract my new GROWING AWESOMENESS...my Weightlifting is now horrible! The bigger that I get and the stronger that I get at Strongman and Powerlifting the worse that I get at Weightlifting.
Weightlifting, for now, is only for me to work on MOVEMENT. A different synchronization of the body. Different body patterns. Different flexibility movements. STUFF THAT I'M BAD AT! So the focus is not and will not be on moving big weights but just going through movements...AND SQUATS!
warm ups
85 kg x 1 5 sets
90 x 1
95 x miss
75 x miss
Clean and Jerk
85 x 1
95 x miss
75 x miss...HURT!
Goodmorning Squat WITH FATGRIPZ
20 x 5
60 x 5
105 x 5
145/321 x 5
Finished off with some abs and went home to EAT!