I honestly can not count the number of times that I have said "Never Snatch or Clean with Bands" on video, in writing, or face to face with people BUT, I guess Hell Just Froze Over!
There are a lot of justified reasons why I am doing this but rocking out the top of the list includes:
1) I need to try this before I knock it
2) I'm not making progress and I haven't in a long LONG time
3) With no competitions in sight, THIS is the time to try new things to see if they work or not
Snatch Training
Muscle Snatch with 20 kg and one end of the micro mini bands x 3 x 4 sets
50 kg + micro mini bands x 3 x 4 sets
65 + bands x 1
80 + bands x 1 but three reds for elbows
55 kg + bands x 3 x 6 sets
65 + bands x 1
85 + bands x 1
SS Yoke Weightlifting Squats
108 kg + 70 lbs in bands (it was light...about 240 lbs + chains)
x 2 x 5 sets
I then finished off with some abs and rear delt flyes and headed to the house.
I can say that as of right now I can tell you 5 reasons why snatch with bands works and probably a bunch more reasons why you shouldn't snatch with bands. Right now...the 5 reasons FOR are a risk that I'm willing to take. Maybe you should too.