Welcome to the first Coaches Log for the Monster Garage Gym. I want to begin by saying thank you for tuning into our log.
Before we get into sets, reps, training methods and such, I want to give you a little bit of a background with regard to what we are going to be brining you through this Coaches Log.
The gym: The Monster Garage Gym is a powerlifting gym located in Gurnee, Illinois. We are not a private club. Although we have our share of 1,000LB squatters, international competitors and the like, we are also a teaching gym and work with lifters of all levels from elite totaling lifters to those who have never set foot on a meet platform. As you will see from the video footage in this and upcoming logs, the M.G.G. is not a corporate gym, but a 2K square foot facility located right smack in the middle of a warehouse area (and that is just the way we like it)
The powerlifters: The M.G.G. Coaches Log will feature both individual as well as various training pods of our lifters per log. There will be an array of powerlifters for you to learn from and follow. Currently on our competitive team we have 14 lifters with international wins or experiences, national qualifying strongmen/women, RUM qualifiers, a lifter on the Top 50 All Time American bench press list, etc. We are pretty evenly divided with about 30% RAW, 30% single-ply, 30% multi-ply, and the remaining % vacillate between these three categories. We are fortunate to also have such a strong team of women lifters at the gym (Monsterettes) and they will also be featured in our logs from time to time.
The training: There really is no “one” Holy Grail of training methodology at the M.G.G. Some lifters are strictly conjugate method, some follow the basic principles of that method, some lifters follow Ernie Frantz’ method, some periodization, some 5,3,1, others instinctually train. You will have an opportunity to get a sampling of them all through this log, as the group as a whole is eclectic in nature when it comes to training. The bed-rock of our lifting is a 110% focus on technique and form as ultimately progress will stop if the form/technique is not as close to perfect as it can be for that lifter. Our semi-typical training week looks loosely like this:
Monday: Bench press
Wednesday: Deadlift
Thursday: Bench press
Saturday: Saturday crew squats
Sunday: Sunday crew squats
*Scraps and or ancillary movements are strewn throughout the week.
The goal: Most powerlifters (perhaps even you) are trapped in the corporate gym world and you really don’t have anyone to check your form, bounce ideas off of, etc. Some of you lift at home in a garage gym (that is how the M.G.G. originated years ago) and although you have the luxury of more personalized weight equipment, you also lack the symbiosis gained by a group of lifters. Our goal is that if you fall into either category, or some third category, that you will benefit from our lifters as a collective whole to provide you with training ideas, methods, movements, technical critique, and the like that will help you as you continue on your journey in this sport with love so much, powerlifting.
The owner: My name is Eric Maroscher and I have been a competitive powerlifter since my first meet in 1989. Over the decades I won a couple world titles and have sustained, like so many others, my share of injuries. “It is not the years, it is the mileage.” I own and run the M.G.G. and the Maroscher Powerlifting Team. I have been fortunate enough to have been coached by The Godfather of Powerlifting, Ernie Frantz and equally as fortunate to have coached, and currently coach so many world class powerlifters and strength athletes. I am also a columnist for Elitefts so perhaps you have read some of my articles. With regard to the Monster Garage Gym Coaches Log, I will be the one serving as facilitator between what happens at the M.G.G. and the publication of these logs. As Elitefts is about values, strength, knowledge, educating and providing the widest range of FREE educational resources, it is my hope that you will find a superior educational value in the Monster Garage Gym Coaches Log and that we will help you become a better and more complete powerlifter.
With all that said, let us jump into the very first Monster Garage Gym Coaches Log.
Date: Sunday, January 18th, 2015.
Although we put a number of highlight videos from the M.G.G. on our YouTube page, this video, being a Coaches Log, is far more meat and potatoes and less flash. In other words, it is the work that each powerlifter puts in on a daily basis that comprises the power displayed on the highlight reels. This Coaches Log is no exception. What you are getting are the warm-ups, sets and reps that over time get the lifter into the condition they want to be in for the meet. On this date the Sunday crew was on site (there is a Saturday crew and a Sunday crew for our bigger squat days) and as this is the first log, rather than hone in on a smaller group or an individual and drill down into their program, we are going to start by introducing a good percent of them to you via the training video as well as posting their training for that day and what meet or meets they are currently training for. Following this initial training video and lifting logs, we will get more specific and focus in on fewer individuals, but for now, this initial log will serve as the introduction to our lifters, gym, methods, logs and style of presentation.
Steve: *basic information: 308LB, WPC World Powerlifting Champion
Heavy Squat Day.
535X3 Brief
625X2 Brief
715X1 Brief
805X1 Brief Suit with Straps Up
900X1 Brief Suit up Straps Up Tight Wrap
1000 lost balance Brief up Straps Up Tight Wrap
1125x1 with Band Assistance (Reverse Bands) X1
Shaun: *basic information: 275LB class. 4th place, 2014 WPC World Powerlifting Championships
No meet planned coming off a broken wrist and dealing with sciatic nerve issues.
Warm up- bands stretches with hips flexor, it band, quads, adductors, etc
Bar X5
Put on brief
Shut it down due to my sciatic flaring up.
Reverse band pulls green bands
Brief on.
Shut it down there sciatic was giving me hell.
Mike: *basic information: 198LB class. 2014 APF Senior Nationals winner and best lifter. Top 50 All Time bencher in both the 181 & 198 class.
My lifting today...
Warm ups- roll and stretch, reverse hyper- 2 plates / side x 2x15, standing Abs- 50 x 2x15
Raw squat - Bar (65) x 10, 10, 155x8, 245x5, add belt- 335x3, 405x2, 445x2, light wrap- 495x1, wrap- 535x1, 585x1
Reverse Green Band Deadlift- conventional- belt 315x5, 405x3, 495x3 switch to sumo- suit bottoms- 585x2, 635x1, 675x1, 725 miss.
Standing Abs- ultra wide stance, focus on bracing abs followed immediately by seated cable abs- 5 total sets 20ish reps.
In limbo as far as upcoming meets, working through some low back / hip problems.
I'll basically compete in March of I feel ready, or may put it off until June
Kristin: *basic information: 181LB class. N.A.S. National Strongman Qualifier, N.A.S. Kentucky Strongest Man and Woman Champion, N.A.S. Illinois State Log Press Record. 285LB RAW gym bench, 251LB meet RAW bench press at 181LBS.
20 with the bar x 2
Working sets: 5x5@250
135x10 double overhand
185x10 double overhand
225x8 double overhand
275x5 double overhand
*grip training as well
Working sets: 5x5@315
Leg extensions: 5x20@150
Glute/ham raises: 5x12
Brendan: *basic information: 275-308LB class. IPL World Powerlifting Champion.
Coming back from a major pectoral tear. Prepping for the XPC in March.
Warm up: 2 Large roast beef sandwiches with extra meat on my way to the gym. Rolled out quads as they have been extremely stiff all week for some reason.
Bar x 10
155 x 10 x 2
245 x 5
355 x 2
Stretch out and roll quads again. Still extremely stiff.
Put on belt
445 x 1
Put on briefs
625 x 2
715 x 2 x 3 for speed work
Shut it down here. All lifts were fast but very shaky in the hole. Quads were sore and stiff all workout. Decided to save it. Going heavy next week.
Dr. Al: *basic information: APF National Powerlifting champion 181LB class.
Squat Warm up:
bar 10x2
105 5x2
145 5x1
195 5x1
235 3x1
275 3x1
325 3x1
Deads warm up:
395 x1x3, 425x1x4, 445 x1x2
Kendra: *basic information: 148LB weight class. Kendra just competed in her first meet.
Warm ups (no box)
Working (box squats)
255x3 (3 sets)
Deadlifts conventional
Meet: IL apf/aapf state meet March 21-22 raw 148 wt class
Matt: *basic information: 2nd place, 2010 AWPC World Powerlifting Championships, RAW bench only
Warm Ups:
Half dozen basic yoga stretches at home.
Then at the gym it's some basic bodyweight calf raises, bodyweight squats, some leg swings.
bar x 12 million sets
95 x 6 million sets
135 x 3 million sets
Shut it down as my nagging hip was howling at me
Oddly, pulling doesn't seem to bother my hip at all. These were all fast and easy.
Hanging Leg Raises:
Next Meet:
If I'm 100%, want to do the AAPF IL State - first full meet in 3 or 4 years. Otherwise Summer Bash.
John and Ronald: *basic information: John, 2014 WPC World Powerlifting Champion, 181LB class, Master II. Ronald, 181LB 6th place, IPF World Powerlifting Championships, Military National Powerlifting Champion
Squat warm-up
Bar x 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
Put briefs on at 315
315 x 3
365 x 3
Work sets started at 415 for 4
435 x 3
465 x 3
465 x 3
425 x 5
Started pulling
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
Work sets Ron pulled conventional. I (John) alternated between one conventional and one sumo
395 x 1-1-1-1
425 × 1-1-1-1
445 × 1-1-1-1 on that last set at 445 I pulled all conventional because sumo was moving so slow.
Tim: 2014 WPC World Powerlifting Championship qualifier
65 x 7
105 x 5
155 x 5
245 x 2
315 x 1
355 x 1
405 x 1
445 x 1
500 x 3
515 x 1
315 x 3 for 3 sets
365 x 3 for one set
My goal for this workout was to come back and hit the squat I missed last Sunday (500). I told myself to get as many reps and I could with that weight. Then I felt real good and wanted to add a little more and test my limits. I did some light speed deadlifts since I just did a full deadlift workout Thursday and today I wanted to work on speed. I'm getting ready for a bench only meet in a few weeks, APF state and APF senior Nationals.
I have no serious injuries but a tight lower back which has always bugged me.
James: *basic information:
Stretching and light foam rolling
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
155 x 5
245 x 5
Put on brief (hips were bothering me)
335 x 3
425 x 3
515 x 3
Cut it shirt due to my hips being sore.
Reverse band deadlift with green bands
225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 5
495 x 3
585 x 3
675 x 2
765 Miss
Hips were bothering me today.
JuJu: *basic information: newer to powerlifting, Juju has competed at the local level.
As far as training goes, Shaun suggested that I max out on all my lifts to see where I'm at since starting this diet & how it may or may not be affecting my training. On Sunday, I start out foam rolling my IT band, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and adductors. Then I do a couple hip stretches because lately there's been some pinching in my hips, sometimes so bad that it completely numbs my right leg. My squat set:
Bar x 5
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 3
225 x 2
245 x 1
250 x 1
Then I went on to do deficit pulls bc my problem is getting the bar off the floor.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
Rack pulls
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 5 x 5
That's all I did for the day.
Dawn: *basic information: 148LB class. 2010 AWPC World Champion Bench Only RAW. 203LB RAW bench press at 148LBS, 2011 AAPF Female Powerlifter of the year, N.A.S. National Strongman/woman qualifier, AAPF National Champion and Best Lifter
Bar x10
Pause squats
Treadmill for 2 miles.
Currently training for the AAPF IL State meet in March
Crystal: *basic information: 500LB equipped deadlift. Qualified for 2014 RUM in Fla.
Currently in the last phases of RUM training.
Reverse average bands