I work with a lot of 1st responders and "Protection" people. I asked them if tomorrow was going to be an active day for them? With a clenched jaw and looks to and fro, I got nods that there is something up and they need to stay vigilant.
I also know a "High On the Food-chain" guy at Homeland Security. He, as well, said that Election Day is going to be quite interesting.
I've said in ONE prior post that I would not use this forum to express my political beliefs or for which candidate I am in favor of, BUT...I would like to extend a "Stay Safe" to all the readers and Strength and Conditioning enthusiast.
I may not agree with your decision and you may not like mine, but that is beside the point. Whom ever wins and becomes the President of THESE United States, the losing team SHOULD NOT lose it's civility. I pray we can stay United.
I believe (to rehash) that all we really want is to:
1. Go home at the end of the day with our families, friends, or pets and feel as if we made a difference
2. Be SAFE in our homes, at malls, in Airports or anywhere we choose to travel.
3. Enjoy what we have
That's it. Not a LOT more, but pretty much THAT!
It will be interesting to say the least. I wish it didn't feel like we were all on a live set of the "Jerry Springer Show".
Let's turn the "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry" chant into the "USA, USA,USA" one we've grown accustom to at international sporting events.
Dynamic Squat: 8x2x290 w/ Mastodon Bar and Parallel Box
Dead Lift: 8x1 with the same weight and keeping it ballistic.
GHR: 3x5; 1x43...those 43 are to be done in a row! Don't break them up.
Reverse Hyper: Slow and Controlled with a 1 second contraction pause at the top of the movement. 3x15x30