This year is closing out not as planned, but so???
I've had a roller coaster ride of a week. Which has me finally back in front of my computer screen after being in the hospital for a week. (Sort of)
Seem's my Dad gave me a remembrance gift of his diverticulitis and I am keeping the tradition. What I thought was a hernia or minimally a strained ab muscle turned out to be diverticulitis that caused a blood clot, which took some of the E. Coli that we all have in our guts and dumped into my blood. That and a rare but FREAK'n NASTY other bacteria, jacked my temperatures and kept me isolated in the hospital.
After being poked and prodded and pierced again the doctors have come up with a treatment plan that I can now implement orally from the confine of my home. They need to beds dude...they need the beds.
I wrote that my Goals are clear and are written in stone. Yet the objectives are in sand to meet constant change. Where I'd like to jump right back into my yearly plan...THAT wouldn't be what I preach.
I will keep you up to date (I hope) with my groups plan AND now my own separate plan, ya know...just in case you get derailed by a pesky blood bacteria, because NOW I'm an expert in that too.
I have a follow through procedure with my personal M.D. (yea I got one of those in the process) to check on my progress and keep in the loop in the event I die or something worse.
The doctor who is in charge of infectious disease is cool. I called him upon meeting him, Dr. Doogie. He looks about 21 years old off the plains of Kansas. We hit it off because he is like minded with myself and he surfs AND rock climbs. I meet with him Jan. 3rd
I meet with a Proctologist to determine what's happening down in the basement later in the month, and then this cool surgeon who is recommending a bit of my colon be eliminated to reduce the risk of this happening again. As long as I don't need a colostomy bag I might buy into this one.
For now, I'm on a low fiber diet for two weeks and massive blood thinners, and death anti biotics. Follow that with the reduction of anti biotics and a high fiber diet.
We're waiting to see when I can come off the blood thinners and it depends on that clot.
So after losing 18 pounds from not eating and inactivity here's my first day back
My training today:
Took the dog for a walk
AirDyne Slow for 10 minutes
Captain of Crush Gripper: 3x10x "S"
Stretch like I was running track.
The Gang:
Box Squat: 4 reps to a PRE of 7
then do three additional sets of 4 at that weight
Lunge Steps: 200 each leg
GHR: 4x12
AirDyne Leg only 15 minutes aggressively.
Donald “the admiral”
Donald “admiral”