Well I've went ahead and made the call to make some big changes in my life as I have eluded to in some recent video's and training log posts.
I have recently decided to exit my career of 18 years advancing from engineering to executive level leadership the last 8 years. This move has been in the works a long time but its taken a lot of work to be prepared for the transition. It is a scary move leaving the comfort of a career I have excelled at and am known for my success. However I’ve reached a point in my life that I need to follow my passion and my dreams full time. I now have the opportunity to spend more time collaborating, learning, distilling, and sharing that knowledge.
My goal is to add value while continuously improving my relationship with the Strength and Conditioning Community by providing proprietary tools and knowledge designed to optimize physical and psychological human potential.
I am excited about that and making this change is worthy of an epic party to celebrate.
Of course my idea of a party is different than what most people would imagine. So before engaging in beer, booze, and food I’m going to push myself to my physical and mental limits while attempting to set records.
I’m going to be doing a 500lb squat for reps challenge. If I hit 19 reps in 60 seconds it will break the Guinness World record for best squat in a minute. If I hit 24 reps it beats an unlisted record form the 80’s when Tom Platz and Fred Hatfield went head to head for reps with 500lbs.
This will be done walked out and with only knee sleeves and belt.
Here is the link and embedded page for the live stream event!!! Please share this post around!
May 6th @ 3:30 pm PST
And other video log post about the changes.
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