The most fitting image to symbolize the subconscious mind. A modicum of investigation into this will convince you that the subconscious is vastly more powerful than the consciousness. No contest. Not even close. With this being the case, does it not seem prudent to spend time, energy, and effort to access it if we wish to be our best? Certainly. There are lots of methods. Some more beneficial than others. But for MY money, a beginning that pays amazing dividends is the simple (all subconscious techniques tend to be) habit of giving credit where credit is due. I insist that my athletes tell themselves " good job" ABSOLUTELY EACH AND EVERY TIME THEY SHOW THE MOST MODEST IMPROVEMENT.
The technique is a brief, but honest pat on the back immediately when they notice the improvement. An INTERNAL REWARD given to themselves that is in direct proportion to the size of the achievement. I encourage them to make certain they acknowledge that there has been movement in the direction they wish to go.
ALL IMPROVEMENT IS IMPROVEMENT as coach Eric likes to say. Small or large, we must acknowledge our gains to ourselves. If you are waiting to allow yourself to feel good about your journey until you arrive at your destination, you will only feel good once.
What a shame.
And I'm going to promise you now that it will be anti-climactic. The truth is that there is no "there." Ask people who routinely achieve their goals. The very moment they get "there", they are looking at the next goal, the next "there".
Why is this?
Are they impossible to satisfy?
Are they never fulfilled?
Maybe. But more likely they understand (consciously or more likely subconsciously) that the destination is not what brings satisfaction, fulfillment, or enjoyment. They may know it or not, but they keep MOVING ON because the real reward is in MOVING TOWARD A GOAL and NOT IN THE POSSESSION OF IT. Please go back and read that again slowly. Even if they are not conscious of this, they move to the next challenge because they feel more comfortable working on a goal than they do in having achieved a goal. This may or may not be an inconsolable wanderlust for achievement. Most likely it is the evidence