One of the biggest promises I have ever made in my life was made to a woman I knew for only a few days and will probably never see again. Yet, that promise had a major impact on many lives and will continue to for many years to come.
You have to know the nature of the relationship before you open your mouth and say something you will regret later. You need to take time and think before you speak. In today’s world, a person’s word means nothing. This is a very sad, yet true, thing. You really can’t trust what anyone tells you and need always to look out for your own best interests. However, there are still people out there who choose to keep their word no matter what the outcome. I feel a man is only as good as his word, and that is the way it should be. Now just because I said you can’t trust anyone does not mean you have to be like everyone else. As the old saying goes, “If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?” You can be one of the few who are known as a trusted friend, business partner, parent, and spouse. This is not without its consequences. You have to be willing to deal with the truth. For many, it is much easier to lie than deal with the truth.
“Take care of him.”
With tears in her eyes, this was what was asked of me by Blaine’s birth mother as we departed with my new son. Blaine was my first adopted son and one of the best experiences of my life. I gave her my word that I would take care of him, and I have no intention of breaking it. If I keep my word, by the time Blaine reads this he will know the true meaning of “a promise.” If I do not keep this promise, then he will know I am not a man of my word. If you are a man or woman of your word, then you will never have to tell anyone—they will already know.
What do they know about you?
The wealthiest man in the world may not loan you money to make a phone call, while the person who is very down on his luck may just give you the world.
I agree, a man`s word is everything you have and to honor it is not always easy but for some of us it`s a must.
The most honorable thing you can do is to keep your word. So be it.
Greetings from Mexico.