If you have put the work in for a meet, or as in my case, to test your max lifts, you need to peak properly. What to do...
I love to train. If you are here reading at Elitefts you most likely love to train as well. That's the problem with a peak week, you really should take the week off.
There's an expression, rest not rust. That means, you should be moving around. So what can that include?
For me it's movement that causes zero fatigue. Here's a list of things I allow myself to do:
- Sled dragging, pushing, and pulling
- Med ball throws
- Jumps
- Walking
With the extra time from no weight training and no hard conditioning, there's more room for recovery work. Here's a list of recovery work I can choose from:
- Foam rolling
- Light stretching
- Naps and extra sleep
- Meditation, yoga nidra, and breathwork
- Cold showers and cold water immersion
- Hot tub and sauna
Please keep in mind these are all things I have done and suffer no ill consequences from them. If don't already incorporate jumps and throws in your programming, don't think they'll be a good idea the week before you max out.
The same goes for recovery methods. If you have never done a cold plunge, I don't recommend starting the week of testing.
Only do things you know feel good. When in doubt, rule it out.
So take your extra time from not training to get your body and head right. Then go Smash F'ng Weights!