Ask any man...It has never been a question of being a superhero but rather WHICH ONE?
"Our lives are spent hiding the fact that underneath all the fear, self-doubt and anxiety lies a superhero capable of saving the world.
If you knew for a fact that you had this potential, would it scare you?
We act small, when in reality, we are bigger than we could ever imagine. Human potential isn’t about advancement or evolution, it’s about realizing of what’s already inside of us.
You know the feeling you get when you watch superhero movies?
It’s like watching yourself, isn’t it?"~ Andres Bogorja
Today's Training:
Suspended Knees to elbow: 5x15
super set w/
DB Curl: 1x20-18-16-14-12 @ ascending weight
super set w/
Cable Rope Push Down: Same
Side Bend Flex: 5x12
super set w/
BB Curl: Same
super set w/
DB Supine Triceps Ext: Same
Reverse Hyper: Slow and controlled: 5x12
super set w/
Hammer Curl: same
super set w/
Skull Crushers: Same
Total work time=40 minutes
Keep the pace quick and non stop