The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is one of the Featured Coaching Logs at EliteFTS.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
THIS WEEK’S Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: WHAT IS YOUR APPROACH TO THE BAR???
When it comes to training programs, one size does not fit all. When it comes to how you approach the bar emotionally, the same is true. Here is what we mean….
With a number of years of RAW training and competitions under my belt, I recall one of my first equipped meets. It was in the early-mid 1990’s and I remember these two bench only lifters who were in the meet. I recall these guys put on their shirts really, really early on in the meet, and I recall like it was yesterday, they were amped up the whole time (lots of yelling and screaming in the warm-up area) prior to the bench only portion of the meet. I also recall them bombing out in quite spectacular fashion as well.
Later that decade I recall watching Bill Nichols compete. I wouldn’t say he was a yeller, or a screamer, but the way he looked at the barbell as he approached his squat, it was almost like he was looking through it. Like he was looking past the loaded barbell and seeing himself dominating the thousand-plus-pounds on the bar. I recall watching Ernie Frantz, in his early 60’s squat 820LBS at a light 220LBS with hardly an expression on his face at all. And after his successful squat, a simple grin on his face as he was handed a towel to wipe the blood from his nose.
Just like there are many different training methods, The 5th Set, WS, 5/3/1, basic linear periodisation, block periodization, etc., there are many different ways to approach the bar. As a powerlifter, The 5th Set might work best for you programming wise. As a powerlifter, taking a huge whiff of ammonia might work best for you, or perhaps you like a good slap in the face. To others, they like the calm before the storm. These are the lifters who appear more methodical in their approach. These are the ones who like to take that moment at the bar, visualize the lift and stay inside their own head. Others still, they prefer banging their head against the bar and lifting angry.
There is no best program, there is no best approach to the bar, there is only what is best for you.
The point of this coaching log, if you are a new or intermediate powerlifter is, don’t just emulate the approach of other powerlifters, find the approach that is right for you. In fact, over time you might vacillate back and forth or perhaps your approach to the bar and how you lift will remain steadfast for your entire lifting career. As long as how you approach the bar to lift the weight is best for you and your lifting affect, you can’t go wrong.
As you experiment what is the best approach for you, don’t mistake a quieter approach to the bar as one that is not effective. Ed Coan was never a huge screamer, or yeller, but his legendary lifts show that his approach, for him, was effective to the tune of becoming the G.O.A.T. Likewise, being super intense like Chuck Vogelpohl, doesn't necessarily mean you are going to lift like the great Chuck Vogelpohl, as there is way more to the approach than the appearance. It is what you can't see inside that is the deeper portion to the approach.
Intensity can look and sound many ways. It can be loud and profane, or it can be quiet and focused. Whatever is the way to best get the weight up for you is the right method for you to approach the bar to set your mind right.
In this video, we feature powerlifter and psychologist, Mz. Dawn from the Monster Garage Gym. Dawn has held both the national and world RAW bench press record in the women’s 148LB class in the AAPF and AWPC, and at 49 (master II) she is still consistently in the top 10 in both the master and open, drug-free women’s RAW powerlifting rankings, has been a NAS strongman national qualifier as well as the 2010 AAPF IL women’s powerlifter of the year.
In a gym that has its share of yellers and screamers, Dawn performs each set with the same calm consistency, incorporating a moment of visualization, as this is what works best for her personna and lifting affect.
Be it super intense like the legendary Chuck Vogelpohl, or more reserved like Ed Coan, or somewhere in the middle...find what approach works best for you, and just like your hone your technique, hone your approach to the bar. Train like you are going to compete.
Wishing you the best in your training and competitions. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher, Owner: MONSTER GARAGE GYM
Equipment featured in this week’s coaching log:
EliteFTS Deluxe Bench Press
EliteFTS Texas Power Bar
You can find ALL of the prior EliteFTS/Maroscher Coaching Logs/articles HERE:
MONSTER GARAGE GYM uses Universal Nutrition/Animal supplements and EliteFTS powerlifting equipment.
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