Get your minds out of the gutter people. This isn't about PED's although I guess you could apply the principle to them as well. It's about dare I say "Moderation."
One of the biggest problems today is that there is too much information. Too much of any one thing is not good. Being that we are inundated with information, so many of us are trying to stuff 20 lbs of crap into a 10 lb bag.
Last week my blog was about how I have dropped my warmup down to starting with just the bar. No more elaborate 20 minutes of bullsh!t. That's not to say you should do the same, it's just something to think about.
I constantly get hit up by people about losing weight. They all tell me these grand plans about losing 50 lbs in a few months. This always tells me they don't actually read anything I am putting out there. My journey had me taking over 10 years to lose my 100+ lbs.
When they start talking to me about slashing 500 to 1,000 calories a day, I ask them what they plan on doing when the weight loss stalls. I ask them, wouldn't it be better to start by dropping 200 calories for a few weeks and see how that goes?
It's like training for strength or hypertrophy, you can't do it all at once. Don't just start throwing tons of volume into your training. Build up. Start with the minimum dose to make progress.
Recently I adopted the same attitude with my conditioning. I'm going with slow and steady three times a week. I plan on adding more time and distance, but I have to build up so I can actually recover.
Do you see a trend here? I know there are those of you who know me from my old 330 lb days benching 600 raw. You are probably saying where was the moderation then? Actually, there was a moderate build-up. I suddenly didn't just start eating 7,000 calories a day. It was a progression.
It's just like I didn't expect to magically add a ton of volume to my program to bench 600. It took me three years to go from 585 to 600.
Most things we can't rush and those that we can, we probably shouldn't anyway. Start with the minimum dose.