Setting goals are great. Achieving them is even better. It's the steps in between where everything can get lost.
This led me to think about my 2019 goals. I set three in no particular order. One was running an 8-minute mile. Another was training pain-free. The last was to get my bodyweight under 200 lbs.
As we are steadily approaching the halfway mark in the year, I thought it time to do something very important, check in on my goals. Far too often people don't do this. They just expect to set them and hope for the best.
Now, if you set good goals they will be measurable. Some are easy to check in on like a bodyweight goal. My goal is to hit 199 lbs. Right now I sit at 211 lbs, but have only lost 2 lbs this far. In other words, I have some work to do. I need to lose 1.5 lbs a month to reach my goal. For that, I have adjusted my plan accordingly based on my data.
My other goal is running an 8-minute mile. That has improved from 9:15 to 8:05. Here, I'm well on course. I don't need to change anything. I just need to keep working my plan.
The last goal to report on is training pain-free. I'm very happy to say there has been great progress on this front. For this I can also just stick to my current plan.
Do you see a trend here? check in on your goals. Don't wait until meet day to see if your numbers are on course. Don't just wish that bodyweight off. If you are on track, great. If not, how are you going to amend your plan to do so?
Time is ticking people. Check in on those goals. I'd wish you all good luck, but if you have a good plan and are working your ass off, you won't need it.