The absolute worse thing that happens to men is we become "Civilized". We start thinking of things way too much and stop "getting after it".
The fight or flight response never kicks in. We analyze the crap out of things to the point of paralyzation or what is termed, "the paralysis of analysis".
Do the proper checks, then GO FOR IT!
I suppose women are similar, but since I'm not a woman I have no point of reference to be accurate. But it must be the same, sort of...
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins.
Light Stretch
Bike Commute: 20 mins
Good Mornings: Work doubles until you hit last week's weight. Then do three more consecutively heavier singles. Make small incremental jumps
GHR: 2x5;2x10
Calves, Hamstrings, Quads, Adductors, and Abductors, Hip Flexors
Ab Wheel: 3x As many reps as possible
45 Degree Back Extension: 2x50
Bike Commute: 16 mins. There must have been a minimum of a 30 MPH off shore breeze. I FLEW home
AirDyne II: 30 mins.
Meridian Stretches