I get asked quite often if I'm "ready to get out of here" when it's getting time to leave.
I run around the gym and take care of things that might have been overlooked by MY groups and pick it up and store it away.
That's usually the indicator that I'm getting ready.
However, I'm not leaving until I MUST go.
So, when asked today, I replied.."NO! I'm not ready to GET OUT of here". I'm not READY for the weekend, or the end of a month, or the year. Reason why, you may ask?
I don't want to wish away any part of my life!!!
Even in shitty situations, I look for the reason to be there.
You must ask yourself a few questions. First...How can I make this fun? Next, what am I to take away from this? Third, Am I on Candid Camera?
But the reality of it is, if I'm not where I am, doing what I'm doing, then where is it, I'm suppose to be? Home? Wasting time? Doing what?
April told me that I didn't have to go to Hockey practice tonight. The commute for us is a pain in the ass, and it gets to be quite late when we finally return. I'm working AGAIN with the Hockey Team with their Dry land training.
Some days I'd like to take her up on that offer, but thinking about it...what the heck am I going to do INSTEAD? I'm going to miss time with my family, especially with my son while he is playing a cool sport to watch, and him to participate.
Why would I miss that?
I'm not going to start wishing away the TIME I have left on this planet. I'm not happy about the eventual time limit, so as Jim Morrison of the Doors would say..."Alright, alright, alright, I know I'm going to get mine before the whole shit house comes down."
Worked up to a ONE rep max of Suspended Good Mornings today. If you remember last week, Tony Sanchez and I went toe to toe and kept "chirping" each other along the way.
Today it got worse. Rare is it, that we do one rep maxes in my program, but since this was the last week of Good Mornings I threw caution out and the boys and I had at it for a good time.
Standard use for us is the Mastodon Bar, which I only count as a 45 lbs bar because in my program ALL bars regardless of weight are 45 pounds, and the 2.5 kg Ivanko Chrome collars. So our "heavy" is actually HeaviER than I record.
GHR's next: 2 sets of 8 followed by 2 sets of 10
45 Degree Back Extensions: 100 reps.
Heavy Pull Down Abs: 4x12