Even with a busted wing I must train. Monday is OHP day, but the shoulder is not ready for it. So what to do? Yoke bar squats, what else? The yoke/ssb does not require the use of your arms.
Whenever a part of my body won't allow me to train a certain part or way, I find something else to do. No training is ever wasted. Rather, not training is time wasted. That's not to say you fight through pain, you just find something to do. Sh!t, if all you could train one day is grip or calves, then why not do it?
Seeing as I'm squatting on Wednesday, I only went with 155 for 10 sets of 10. If nothing else I got to work on form and some conditioning.
-SSB squats 155 10x10
-Grip work w/training gripper 10x10
-Treadmill 30 minutes
-3.2 mile hike
-Treadmill 20 minutes