I'm trying to answer questions on our new site. While I think the New address is pretty cool, there are some things that I do miss. I liked it much better when people had to use their names. I think it helps to build relationships. Nothing is sweeter than the sound of your name being uttered.
Why do people who have been given wonderful names, like to be called Anonymous or as I reduce them, to Anon? Wouldn't you rather be called by your name? How hard is it to just write it in?
What if we just called everyone we met...ANON?
Since today there was no "Main Lift" to be done, I got to train with TWO of my more mature participants. Ralph is in his 70's and Mike is late 60's. The really cool way we could "compete" with each other was to adjust our weights for each, but then go hell bent on reps. The techniques were monitored and any compensation for a lift, in other words...CHEATING meant you were done. If we got to 15 reps the weight went up for the second set. (Two warm up sets for accessory work and TWO balls to the wall sets as "working" sets) If the reps didn't reach EIGHT reps, we went down an increment. In the event of a tie, well...there was plenty of Old School Smack Talk and back slaps.
I believe the BEST thing I did today was to THANK these two Old Gangsters for letting me participate and train with THEM. The look on their face was worth the price of admission. Swapping stories afterward about the gyms and clubs that we've been to. The stories of OLD time lifters and pioneers of the sports we remembered. Come on, who didn't know THE Bob Hoffman and Reg Park? No jawing session with anyone over the age of 60 is complete without the acknowledgment of Jack LaLane.
In an all out Blitz on our bodies, we warmed up, then jacked the wings of man and the spinal stabilizers as well as being a rainy Friday our Weapons of Mass Destruction.
There will be no laces tied tonight on these fellas shoes. (Thank goodness I don't wear any.)
Had to make a decision last night with regards to my son's sports career. (He's eight, can he even have a "career"?) Everyone that knows me, knows that Hunter (my boy) has serious Hockey skills. Unfortunately this was the first year he actually played with his own age group. He usually has been playing "up" with older kids and that challenged the fun into the game for HIM. This year was a struggle to keep him interested, until we got him a SKILL coach that was in the Boston Bruin organization years ago. "John" rekindled my guy's passion and he would then go and PRACTICE the new skills on his team mates and opposition. It has been quite a fun show.
He also plays Lacrosse, which he finds to be a fun "carry over" sport for him. He's been involved for three years of that.
One evening I get a call from the Under 11 coach asking if Hunter would like to participate with the "A" team. Mind you, these kids are 4th and 5th grade and Hunter is only a 2nd grader. While physically and technically equipped to handle it, my concern was the emotional and social aspects. OK, so I'm a little too concerned. He fits in fine with the kids because...well...he could run for town Mayor and possibly win. He knows EVERYONE!
To the story, the Under 9 lacrosse coach is his Hockey coach. Not the Bruin, but the one that bored him. He is a nice fella that has had GREAT success in the Tech world as a CEO, and business owner. However, although one might find it similar in terms of being ABLE to manage a team of 8 year olds and running a major corporation, nothing could be further from the truth.
You can't fire an EIGHT year old. Imagine the emotional damage you could do if you tried?
To compound the matter, this fella has NEVER played Lax.
I see disaster happening. I can't imagine any kid losing interest in a game, because he was BORED and wasn't challenged. "And no skill was taught today, and nothing new was learned" keeps going through my head.
After a LENGTHY discussion with the President of the Lacrosse board we came to a conclusion that Hunter could PRACTICE with the older kids and Red Shirt the games.
I gave him the choice at dinner last night.
1. You could play Under 9 year old lacrosse. Be a STAR Get the ticker tape parade. Be on the Tonight Show and Conan O'Brian. Have an invite to the Playboy Mansion but not further your skill
2. Practice and work your BALLZ off with the U-11. Get a jersey. Carry a clip board for the coaches during games. Scout defenses. Have snacks with your buds afterward. Learn new skills and become a better lacrosse player in the future.
What do you think he chose?
Julia Ladewski, your fave girl