What Is In Your Past?
We all have meets in our past. I have never met a person who has not been successful at least one time in their life. If you go back and look very closely at what enabled your success, you will see these values will be there. The key is to realize that they were there, you lived by them, and they work. Then you need to apply these same values to other areas of your life.
Most people do not take the time to think about how simple it really is. They want some special 8-step process that will guarantee success. They want to be told what to do. I was the same way. I discovered that I always knew what I needed to do to be successful. I just never put all the steps together.
This is your wake-up call to put the steps together and be successful. You have always known what you need to do. Now do it!
Picture is from the last meet I ever did BEFORE moving to Columbus to train under the guidance of Louie Simmons and WSBB. Sitting next to me is Todd Brock. At the time, I had no idea who he was. Not long after this, we trained in the same group, I move into the same neighborhood (a house his Dad renovated), and we’ve been good friends for over two decades now. The sport has brought many good things into my life, and you never know when and where they will come.