I just finished up Record Breakers and you can read the recap here
Now it is time to jump right back into prep for my next meet Feb 2-3 down in Miami, Fl at Hybrid Performance. This should be a great meet and I will be going in sleeves again at 242lbs. I haven’t done back to back meet preps in a very long time so it’ll be interesting to see how my body holds up to the demand. As some of you know I was dealing with some injuries going into Record Breakers and had to train through them with lower volume but I feel great now and should really be able to push things this prep and have something better to show for it. I took off the week after the meet and traveled to Iowa to support and sponsoring the Ritual Classic meet and have my supplement company Subject Zero Supps be a sponsor for the meet. I can't express how much fun it was to go out to Iowa and help support a great meet that was well ran and had some amazing conversations out there. Thank you to everyone who came up to chat and grabbed some of the supplements. Now I am flying back home and ready to push these next 11 weeks hard so I can hit my best total in sleeves to date.