Recent comps:
Sept 24, 2016 NPC Indianapolis Grand Prix - Women's Physique
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. Read back at previous training logs to see what my off-season contained to prep for both PL and physique. May - September we coined #creatingamonster to bring a bigger package to the stage.
As I mentioned last week, I'm calling this "post show" training based on the October 8th show that I was unable to do. Training was a little hectic at first, but getting back into the groove of things. Volume is still high-"ish" as I figure out what's next on the agenda. Part of me wants to find a show, since there was unfinished business and part of me just wants to train, eat and relax until it's time to prep for the Arnold. Limbo seems to be an appropriate word for my life. Haha.
Speaking of life, my son is doing better (thanks to those that have asked). He's still got the cast and the pins but those are coming off in 2 weeks. Lots of reading lately on my end, which has me digging into some personal things... I have a tendency to put my self-worth in the hands of others and when I don't "feel" like I'm good enough, I start to have doubts, fears and anxiousness about who I am and where I belong. It's not easy to dig into yourself... it can often be a painfully honest experience.... taking ownership of your faults and being quite open and vulnerable.... with yourself and with those close to you. BUT, I've learned that vulnerability (leaning into discomfort and rumbling with emotions) is one of the only ways to truly love and be loved.
Ok then.......... let's move onto training, shall we?
A. DB Arnold's 5x25-20-15-10-10
B. Seated laterals 4x12 rest pauses
C1. Face pulls 4x25
C2. Standing heaving laterals 4x15
D. Reverse incline rears
E. Plate raises x100 reps
F. Tricep rope pushdowns
G. Machine shoulder press
A. BB style pull-ups 4x8
B. Low cable rows 4x15 drop set
C1. Rope stiff pulldowns 3x20
C2. Rope bottom position holds 3x3 w/ holds
D. Lat pulldowns wide 4x12 rest pauses
E. ez bar curls standing 21'sx 4 sets
F. DB hammer curls rack attack 2 sets x8
A. Leg press 6x10-15-20-25-30-50
B. Hamstring curls 5x15-15-20-20-30
C. Leg extensions 3x30-20-10 drop set
D. Bulgarians 3x12 ea last rep pause 3 positions
E. Leg press 2x30
F. Abs
A1. DB shoulder press 4x20
A2. Ez bar curls 4x12
B1. Machine dips 4x20
B2. DB incline curls 4x8
C1. Incline skull crushers 4x15
C2. DB seated hammer curls 4x12
D1. Lateral raises 3x15 rest pauses
D2. Rope pushdowns 3x10 rest pauses
D3. Preacher curls 3x8 rest pauses
Saturday- "rest pause hell"
I hate rest pauses on leg days. I've seen others use different terms, but how we do rest pause sets is like this... do the prescribed amount of reps (eg, 25), then rest for 10ish seconds and do some more reps, then rest another 12-15 seconds and do some more. Those reps are done by feel and are near exhaustion. Sometimes it's 10+ reps and sometimes it's only 4-5, depending on the weight used and exercise.
A. Leg press 3x25 - rest pause all
B. Narrow stance smith machine squats to max depth 4x9
C. Leg curls 4x15 - rest pause all
D. Leg extensions 3x30 - rest pause all
E. leg press 3x50 - rest pause all
F. Abs
It was a great week of training all around. Still enjoying the high volume (except for leg day, lol) although definitely starting to get an itch for some barbell and heavy work!
You can always follow some daily training stuff on my Instagram too!