When I read or hear a person comment that they "don't give a fuck", or "Zero fucks were given" or, "I'd care if I valued your opinion" ...it leads me to think, WELL, obviously it did matter and you have one last fuck to give or else why would a person bother to mention it?
I was talking with another training partner this morning and there was a lot of "chirping" going on around me, and I didn't hear the insult directed AT me (all in good fun, mind you) when he turned to me and said "Coach, you don't care, do you?" Thats when it hit me, I didn't. Granted I couldn't hear the person, but by me NOT reacting at all gave a better impression of my "I really don't care" attitude rather than me SAYING.
By fast forwarding this thought to reading and hearing all those keyboard "tough guys (and gals)" they really DO care when they state they don't, else why mention it?
I'm not all that uncaring. I simply can't hear.
Today's Training:
Reverse Hyper
Calf Raise