As an athlete on the playing field, I was never one to get overly "amp'd" up before a game. I didn't need to go to the bathroom 10 times nor did I ever feel the urge to vomit because of nerves. I could carry on a conversation with the pretty girls in the first couple rows of the stadium's stands and cajole with the players I knew on the opposite sideline.
Once I snapped the second buckle up on my chin strap it became a different story. I had laser focus and was relentless every play. "100%; 100% of the time". Unsnap it, and it was back to being in the present.
What does that have to do with lifting weight? Well, like Sly Stallone in "Over the Top" once you turn the hat on backwards, you become 100% focused on the objective.
I encourage a bit of socializing and "chirping" in my program. It doesn't matter to me if you come in ready to "Kill your squat" or you want to hang out with like-minded people and train your balls off but you don't mind having a bit of banter.
HOWEVER!!!! (and this is big...NO HUGE!)
Once your hands touch a bar, and it's your turn, REGARDLESS OF THE WEIGHT, you had better be on a laser lock!
I've seen more people get hurt during warm-ups rather than the heavier loads. Why? You have to focus when the weight feels like it's about to break your spine. You need all the cues working and you have to concentrate on the heavier stuff so you don't get killed.
The lighter stuff is ...well... Light and easy. You start chat'n it up with your buds. You are looking around NOT paying attention to the details of the lift...you're not in the GAME and that's when things can get hinky.
My people know that once they have grabbed the bar, fun and games are over and it's time to get serious about the objective...which is MOVING the weight with flawless technique.
Once the hands come off the bar, the jokes can fly! But not until then!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Banded lateral steps: 100 reps in each direction
Walking Forward Lunge: 100 reps each leg
GHR: 2x10
Ab Wheel: 2x15
Dynamic Squat: 8x3x +10 lbs over last weeks weight
GHR: *(yes again) 2x10; 4x8x25 lb plate held under your chin
Reverse Hyper: 2x30x180
Straight Leg Raise: 2x50
Bike Commute: 27 mins.
Sprints: 10x50 yards @ 75%