When life gets in the way of training you adjust your training, not your life. Adjusting training to life is a crucial element for success. I’ve been sick the last two weeks and I’m finally feeling good but I have 3 presentations due this week and 3 final exams next week so I’m backing off training drastically to avoid digging myself into the ground even more. I know it’s in most of our natures to just push through and train hard but I’m telling you from experience this will set you back in so many ways. The last time I pushed through life I ended up in the hospital and took a month off training. Listen to your body and understand life brings stress and so does training don’t compound the issue. This week and next I’m moving to training 3 days a week full body and not pushing anything to failure. This will give me more time to prepare for school and not stress as much. This ability to autoregulate your training and understand stress is going to help keep you progressing forward and keep you in the game for a long time.