One thing in particular that ags me, is NOT answering a simple direct question. When I ask a person for their perceived rate of exertion from 1-10 and they tell me.."oh that was not bad", I need to calm down and re ask the same question AGAIN. "NOT BAD" is NOT a number between 1-10. IF I then get a shrug and a bewildered look and the eyes scanning the sky with the "Oh...I dunno...maybe....ummm....er...." I then politely ask "IS that even a NUMBER?" "Ummm...errrr, duh!" ANSWER the FUCKING QUESTION!!!
On the same note, if a person starts a conversation with me giving ALL the irrelevent background so as to make it more politically correct OR to NOT offend ME, I will give them my patented "LOOK" and interrupt them with...."Is this a long story?"
Get to the POINT! One day I'm going to be dead. I will certainly want those wasted minutes back as I close in on that date.
Last rant for this post....DO what you say you are going to DO! Don't tell me one thing, and then not apply yourself to determine the end result.
Even if it costs me MONEY or TIME, I am like Death and Taxes. I will DO whatever it is I told you'd I do. I expect the same.
IF you don't want to do something, SAY SO! It doesn't hurt my feelings. If you don't want to come over to my house and "hang out" I'm ok with that. However, IF you tell me you'll be over, and don't show...I'm pissed! I made snacks and have drink. Now what am I to do with this?
Tell me you're NOT coming. I don't need any reasoning behind your decision either. "Hey, you wanna do such and such???" "NO!" I'm good!
Today's training:
Dynamic Bench: 8x3x60%
Rep Bench: 10x10x50%
Cable Lateral Raise: 4x10
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20 reps with 36-28-18 lbs kettle bells
Shrug: 3x12x445
Bike commute home.
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