Today's Training:
I've learned a valuable lesson since being sick back in December. Listen To Your BODY! That includes all aspects of it. When tired, rest. When hungry, eat. When thirsty, well...it's too late!
Yesterday being the celebration of the birth of the United States of America, the Selkow's decided at the last minute to throw a birthday party.
I invited as many people as I could think of that MIGHT come on a moments notice and then executed the cooking as if they would all come.
They did! What fun!!!
However, I know that I can't take the abuse of over eating and over drinking on such occasions. My body rebels!
Needless to say, I love a good jam. Beer and wine began to flow and there was no shortage of 'tenders at the Casa de Selkow.
BUT...I stuck to my game plan. Pour two, sip one, follow with 8 oz of water. By the time the burgers, 'dogs, salmon, and steaks (with my classified marinade..uhhh huhhh) were ready, my second plan to watch my over indulging taste buds was too. Eat two, skip one, drink more water.
The sun was hot, the conversations were fun and all had a good time (I think...but I never care that much as long as no fights didn't break out, the cops or fire dept shows and no one loses any teeth)
However, after the bash and clean up, my wife and I sat up way past my normal bed time talking and joking around. (A lot of slap and tickle too, but mostly slap. Charlie will get that) It was harder than normal waking up this morning, so what do i do?
Run further!!! We took the first part of the 10K nice and slow. So slow my calves were on fire, finishing the second half in a total time of a not bad 10K time of 46 minutes. I took two looks at the watch to make sure I was on target and not hallucinating. I hadn't been in this range in a long long time!
Now to re hydrate and stretch!