I was reading from a book one day, and thought...Hmmmm this would be a perfect passage for my wife to read.
So like any good husband, I hollered, April, there's something I'd like you to read. I highlighted the passage in yellow marker, dog eared the page and told her that I left it on the coffee table.
She nodded her head and said..."ummm hmmm", and never read it!
I thought, Hmmph, maybe she didn't hear me?
Reading more from the same book, I came across another passage that I KNEW would be appropriate for her. So, I told her that I found something else she should read, highlighted it in yellow marker, and dog eared the page.
NOTHING! She never picked it up.
Finishing the book, I started another. Well now, not but 30 pages in, the passage jumps off the page and screams..."show this to April".
I tell her that I found something in this book for her to read and I highlighted the paragraph in yellow.
Want to know something? She didn't read it either. (my Forrest Gump voice)
When I got to yet another passage, it occurred to me...Harry, these passages that you think are intended for April are not in least bit. They are for ME!
She didn't need to read them, Nope...the things that strike out at you while reading, are why YOU are reading them.
Some thunderbolts, bits, pieces are for YOUR EYES ONLY! So, if the shoe fits Cinderella...WEAR them!
Today's training:
Pull ups w/ a band: 250 reps in as few sets as possible
C/S Row: 4x8x75
BB Curl: 4x8x85
Cable Tricep Ext w/ Rope Attachement: 4x15x100
DB Hammer Curl: 4x8x35 w/ fat gripz
Skull Crushers: 4x12x85
4 way neck: 1x25x5.0
Bike Ride Commute: 22 minutes