Presently I am on a cut and conditioning phase. Neither are pleasant. So when you unwittingly add 4,500 lbs of volume to your training, it sucks.
I'm in the fourth week of my conditioning block. While being on a cut, I was smart enough not to jump in hard. I'm combining bodyweight circuits while finishing with a Max Effort lift three times a week. I'm going full-body sessions so I can get an extra day off from resistance training and an additional run or hike.
I started with reduced reps the first week. Then increased a little for the second week. I hit the program planned reps for week three. On week four I introduced a 10 lb weight vest.
On my second session of this week, I was completely dragging. I know I'm on a cut, but it was brutal. Thinking back, Monday was no pleasure either. WTF is going on?
Duh, the 10 lb weight vest. No biggie right, it's just 10 lbs. Yeah, when you add up 10 sets of 10 inverted rows, 15 squats, 10 pushups, and 10 GHR crunches, that's an additional 4,500 lbs of volume.
Moral of the story, never underestimate how just adding 10 lbs to everything can kick your butt.