In case you have not noticed, I am a very goal oriented person. I think setting goals helps keep us on track. Also, I find if I don't have a goal, my training can feel lackluster. I guess if I'm going to beat the sh!t out of myself, I need a reason.
After getting a full meet in the books, I don't feel so debilitated that I couldn't do it again. I was happy with my 600 lb squat, but man, I sure think 600 sounds cooler at 198. A triple bodyweight squat is good at any age in my book.
With turning 50 next summer, I also have another possible goal looming. Benching 500 at 50. Reasonably, I really don't think I could hit 500 at 198. However, I feel confident, with a good run competing in bench only at 220 it is within my reach.
Both goals have their pluses and minuses. The 600 squat at 198 would force me to get my bodyweight down. I am no longer willing to do big weight cuts anymore. For me, a ten pound cut is really easy. I was 222 this morning. So I'd want to be 208, meaning I'd have to drop 14 lbs.
Although I would not look forward to dieting, getting down to under 210 lbs would get me leaner than I have ever been. I do carry some more fat than I would like in my lower abdomen and back. I think under 210 I'd have a more tapered look. Also, I have very slightly elevated blood pressure and fasting blood sugar levels. The weight loss would probably bring those down.
The 500 lb bench at 50 does have a nice ring to it. What makes it even more alluring is not having to diet. Plus, I'd be training for bench only. I'd still train the squat and the deadlift, just not prioritizing them. Those would be trained more for hypertrophy and would not leave me so beat up.
The nice thing is, both would be challenging. I need that in my life. I'm not sure which way I'm leaning. I figured I could ask the Magic 8 Ball, but I'd rather hear from you. So please let me know what you think and drop a comment below. Thanks.
Why don't you set a goal to win some sort of competition? I do not know if will help you more a 600 lbs squat a 198 or a 500 bench @50!
I like the already mentioned notion of doing them both at separate times FTW/SFW!