The New York Times wrote an article explaining the percentage of kids that make to the PROFESSIONAL level.
Quite innocently, many people agreed with the numbers and the "delusional" kind of parenting, especially from the middle to lower income brackets should NOT push their kids should actually "come to terms" with the statistics.
I happen to be ONE of those "Delusional" parents of a young Hockey player as many know. I will also go on record to call myself a "DELUSIONAL COACH" of many high school and college athletes that have aspirations of playing professional sport.
There is NO doubt in our house (including my gym) I stress BALANCE of academics as well as sport. You have a small window of opportunity as an athlete in terms of LENGTH you will be a pro...IF you beat all the odds and MAKE it.
Everyone needs to be multi talented in order to keep their heads above the water in today's economy.
Everyone needs a fall back so they could become....
However, (and this is HUGE) because of the 75% (I think it might even be more) of the "REALIST" in the world, we have lost the art of the DREAM. How can you achieve one if everyone is always trying to steal it?
I will NOT do that to my son, nor will I do it to ANY of the athletes I train.
30 plus years helping people get strong and faster and more fit has produced a HANDFUL of Professional Level athletes. Hundreds (and quite possibly that may be in the thousands, as long as I've been at it) have NOT made it.
However, their PURSUIT of a Dream has inspired them to other things that have been fruitful and contributed in some way to our society.
I still get mail and posts as well as phone calls ( I have one, I just don't know where it is most of the time) telling me or thanking me for something I said, or did that helped a young man or women ACHIEVE above anything they expected.
So call me an Snake Oil Salesman, but instead of ripping someone apart, criticizing them, or complaining about them or condemning them into mediocrity because the stink'n statistics show they won't make it, I am going to encourage them and nurture their dreams until THEY find something else to do.
I kind of think that this is the type of ATTITUDE that permeates the Social Media of today that makes so many would be great COACHES, just mediocre and mainstream.
I hope that my son NEVER comes across the "Realist" Coach or Fitness expert, because right now, he plans on retiring his number 52 jersey in the NHL "Hall of Fame", and I'm going to dump gasoline on that fire as long as he has the burn.
I'm also sure that he will see it happen because that kid is going to also make an AWESOME attorney after he has called it quits on the ice, on HIS terms.
Dynamic Bench: 8x3x55% I used 195 lbs.
Rep Bench: 10x10x55%
Cable Cross Over: 5x20x45 for the PUMP
Shrugs: 4x12x365
Duo/Poly Seated DB Shoulder Press: 3x15x30
DB Lateral Raise (first third of the motion) 3x30x50