Do you guys remember back when we used to get up on Friday mornings and type in www.EliteFTS.com to see what new articles were published this week about training? I mean there would be a couple new articles PER WEEK about training and I would save them to Word, print them out at the university, and read them till I wore them out. Really you couldn't go wrong with the information because it all came from Dave Tate, Jim Wendler, the Mayor of Rhodestown, Harry Selkow, Vince Dizenzo, CJ Murphy, etc... All guys with a ton of experience training, competing, and helping others to achieve what I want to achieve!
Before that I would borrow magazines from friends and hide them from everyone like they were dirty magazines and I didn't want to get caught! I would read every article from beginning to end and then I'd read the ads!
I had to WAIT for information and I'd complain that there just wasn't enough out there because I'd blow through every article and magazine that I could find way too fast.
But all of that has changed since the invention of the smart phone. As much as it makes me insane to get "an important email" from someone via their cell phone (yes, I'm so old that I believe that any respectable communication should come from a computer of some type, not via a private message while sitting on the toilet) it makes me even more insane to see that people are giving advice via their phone as well.
Anyone with a smart phone, a wifi password, and a Facebook account can somehow have an opinion that is heard more than and taken just as serious as the same advice I used to wait anxiously for from Dave Tate and Jim Wendler! How is that possible?
So this is me giving you advice on WHO you should be taking advice from...