I stare at April in the morning when I wake up...until SHE wakes up. At first she thought it was creepy as fuck, but hey, I didn't tell her to open her eyes. Never have.
This morning as I played awake at 0300 trying to figure out how I was going to get a run in and at what time, and lift, and, and, and...
I just jumped up and said "fuck it! I'm going now!" April then said in her demure little girl voice, "fuck it, I'm going too!"
THAT'S why I married her. Didn't have to change or become someone she wanted me to be, she loved the pure psychotic bastard that I am! (She's batshit crazy too though. Although she hides it better making HER more psycho)
We are all trying to get somewhere. Everyone has goals, and a destination they want to achieve. (That's why you are taking the time to read this...) Often though it's who you travel with that exceeds where you are going, that makes EVERYTHING better!
"Choose wisely Mr. Anderson. The Blue pill or the Red pill"
Run: 5K
Dead Lift: 15x2 @ 50%
Reverse Hyper: 3x12
Back Attack: 3x8@ 65
Rear Stepping Lunge: 3x12
Pull Ups: 12x3
C/S Row: 3x12
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
AirDyne Bike: 20 minutes