For the first time since most of you guys have known me, I'm growing. I'm doing my best to get as big, as fat, as possible but it is for a reason. In a recent Instagram question the person asked why we have all gotten so fat and after asking the guys on camera why they had gotten so fat, it hit me that everyone is getting leaner EXCEPT ME!
I struggle with weight gain. I struggle with constant rapid weight loss to the point where I am classified as having a wasting disease. I can easily lose over 20% of my total body weight in under 3 weeks without trying. I've done it before while still force feeding. I've done it with chemotherapy too.
If I'm going to have any chance to making it to WSM-Masters again, I will have to be heavier. Not just because weight moves weight but my body needs "reserves". When I have to dig down deep late into a training session, I need to have something inside that will get me where I need to go! I can't be "flat". My body has to be FULL!
No, this is not being done with drugs although my Dr's have lined out a few things with my medication that I THINK are helping. Monitoring my cortisone use, osteoporosis medication, etc but it has mostly been me monitoring my sleep and changing my food around to being EVEN CLEANER! Amazing, clean foods get digested better and I can get fatter off of cleaner foods (yeah, this topic lead to a huge twitter argument where everyone with a bunch of letters behind their name called me a lying idiot...I was the only one nearly 300 lbs though!).
Me explaining my thoughts is worth a quick watch...even if all you want to see is one guy's abs. By the way, he is a local Dr...ladies.
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