Several questions have come my way recently and once I started answering them to myself I came to realize that I've kind of lost my way. I had a few people say that they no longer watch my training videos because they are too long and someone else asked me the other day why my log here at EliteFTS isn't nearly as long winded as it used to be when I first started nearly a decade ago.
The answers, I didn't really have them. After a lot of thinking I came to the conclusion that I actually changed how I presented myself because of the opinions of a few. People complained that my training videos were too long and I stopped getting 1,000 views per day per video...so I shortened the videos down to a few minutes. I was told that nobody reads long log posts anymore on EliteFTS and that kinds of seems true. A lot of the posts here on EliteFTS nowadays are more in the 5-6 sentence range rather than than the 10-12 paragraph length that they used to be a decade ago. I know...sign of the times. People want things at the speed of click and at the flick of the finger on twitter, but strength isn't that way. Strength and knowledge...real strength and knowledge take time.
I don't make money for my videos. I never have! YouTube does not pay anyone in my country for any videos because YouTube does not have a site set up locally and they will not till Cyprus has credible copyright laws in place. So...my videos are the same doggone videos that I've been publishing since 1999 and they are made for the person that wants to LEARN! If you don't want to learn, go watch another YouTube channel. If you have so much time to kill that you can wasted it watching someone do the splits between chair while maximizing their concentration curl and wearing a snorkel...go do that. If you want to follow some serious training and possibly learn how you too can get stronger then maybe my YouTube channel is for you. Heck, most of the Strongman channels now have 30+ minute videos nonstop anyway. Most of the "How to Guitar" videos that I watch now are an hour long.
If you don't want to take the time to read several paragraphs in order to further yourself as an athlete, then why are you even here on this website? Nobody is a part of EliteFTS because they figured out strength the easy way? It is hard, it takes time, and if you want to maintain it over a life time you had better find a way to be smart about it! Heck, all the criticism that I've gotten over the last 20 years of posting my training online and all of the rumors about me you'd think I'd be dead by now...but I'm not. Heck, maybe I know something that you could learn from?
So maybe my style of communication isn't for everyone, and that is OK. But for the people that really do connect with me, it is probably for very good reason. You can sit down and give some serious attention to actually becoming better. You've probably learned that the speed of click and swipe isn't how strength really works. So for you guys...I promise that I'll get back to staying true to who I really am and who I used to really be. 🙂