Four things from my desk,
I am back on the grid after some down time I needed to get some real work done. Just like everyone, there are many parts of my job I hate to do, but they still have to get done. The way I get through this is by understanding the REAL TRUTH, and that is...
Anyone who tells you they love 100% of their work is full of crap! I am blessed to love what I do but still don't like 50-60% of the work that must get done before I get to the things I love to do.
Many days I will not get home until 10 pm, and by that time, I'm shot. A few weeks ago I found Sons of Anarchy on Netflix and have been watching one or two episodes before I pass out. Tig is completely out of his mind and reminds me of a couple people I've trained with over the years but we will save that for another day. This show is freaking awesome and nobody told me about it. It's been running for years not a peep.
So I'm letting you all know now. This show is awesome. Live, Learn, Pass On....
Now, if you think it sucks, then I didn't tell you. But I will tell you this...
We have a great special on the SS Yoke Bar right now, You will save over $100.00 plus receive a set of long handles!
FYI, our handles are removable. Some lifters don't like handles at all, some will take them off for tricep extensions and others want extra long handles (sold separate - regular handles come with the bar).
With this offer...
- Save $58.35 off the bar
- receive free shipping (around $45.00) *sorry domestic shipping only
- a pair of the standard handles PLUS a pair of extra long handles for free ($35.00 value)
* The total saved on this offer is close to $140.00
I have to write about our new shoulder saver pad.
The smaller, compact brother to the original EliteFTS™ Shoulder Saver™ Pad, the Red Shoulder Saver™ Pad is designed to protect your shoulders while still allowing you to bench.
The Shoulder Saver™ is arguably the best bench builder on the market and understandably so:
The Shoulder Saver™ has a much smaller weight displacement compared to boards. This requires the lifter to stay tighter in the hole, instead of relying on the comfortable, large weight displacement of the boards. For a raw bencher, this is crucial, as 95% of bench press weakness is in the hole or a few inches above.
The bottom of the Shoulder Saver™ is rounded - adding the potential for rolling if you're not gripping the bar with effort. This feature was intended to keep the lifter staying tighter and more focused on proper grip and wrist alignment.
On top of these challenging aspects, the EliteFTS™ Shoulder Saver™ does what it's name implies - saves your shoulders!
The Shoulder Saver™ is perfect for injured lifters as well as those rehabbing pecs, shoulders, or even elbows. Limiting the range of motion with the Shoulder Saver™ is a perfect way to ease back into heavy pressing as well as keeping overreaching athletes healthy.
As we all know, the board press is the single greatest accessory movement for developing a strong bench. However, not everyone has a partner that can hold the boards for them - leading to the ridiculous and dangerous method of sticking boards under your shirt. The Shoulder Saver™ eliminates this need for a partner and allows you to bench with confidence.
The EliteFTS Red Shoulder Saver is slightly smaller in diameter than the original, equating to a 1.5 board.
One of the best articles I have read in a very long time. Jim Wendler wrote this on his Blog, and I highly recommend everyone read it.
click below
Thank you for supporting elitefts and my awful grammar,
Dave Tate
CEO Elitefts.com Inc