It has been a few days since I've been asked this question on YouTube so it is probably time to answer it again. That and Dave Hoff's recent WR total and 1200+ lb squat with all of the attention that he got...most of it negative it seems on The Internet (video coming, don't worry, I just have to edit it out). People ask me extremely often WHY I train in Powerlifting Gear, especially when I compete in Strongman.
First, please try to look past your bias towards criticizing before attempting to understand and accept.
Second, please read that again because if it doesn't apply to you in this exact situation then I'm sure it applies to each of us in another. There is a huge bias that the only people that should be training in powerlifting gear are those that compete in geared powerlifting and that makes about as much since as saying that only those that race Formula 1 Cars should wear a seat belt.
Third, this applies to the Weightlifter with the special bar and plates as well as the Strongman with the special shorts, neoprene literally everything, cuffs everywhere, two belts covered in velcro and prongs, tacky, towels, and 20 lb weight cuts for a trophy. I think I covered most people that will probably not read any farther...
A) Powerlifting gear does not make the lift easier
B) Powerlifting gear does not make the lift less painful, except in the right spots
C) Powerlifting gear has greatly extended the amount of weight that my body can handle SAFELY through my training cycle, year, and lifetime
D) Powerlifting gear is absolutely FUN!