Seriously, look at that devious smile. I remember when that picture was taken. What I didn't know as my big fat self then, was Wendler was plotting my demise. He knew one day i would be coming to him looking for a program to make me more awesome. This is far different than powerlifting by the way. I think that's when he probably started hatching the heinous plan he gave me.
Like I said the other day in my log, at its bones it is the 5/3/1 program, but incorporating supersets between each set of the main exercise. The goal is to keep the weight reasonable and finish the session in under 45 minutes. Well I got through the overhead day on Monday. It was definitely challenging, but I didn't push myself too hard considering it was the very next day after my meet.
Today was another story entirely. Squatting that many sets and doing full body work between each set sucked horribly. I was out of breath nearly the entire time. That said, I finished the workout in 42:26. My hamstrings are absolutely fried. Walking is going to be unpleasant tomorrow.
As awful as it was I am so psyched to be pushing myself hard. I told Jim I just want to get into great shape. Rhodes says Jim has gotten himself into excellent condition running this himself. Meanwhile Jim says Rhodes almost looks good since following it. I mean come on, for Rhodes to look almost good, this program can be nothing short of amazing.
Seriously though, with all the injuries those guys have battled it's impressive that they are training at all. It's a sad testament that I'm the least injured one of the three of us.
Here's what I did:
Wednesday am stretch
Bird dogs x10
Leg swings 2x10
Back roll on peanut
Shoulder dislocates x10
Wednesday pm Squat w/Safety Bar
Full body warm-up
Squat warm-up 115x5
Squat warm-up 165x5
Ab Rollouts x10
Squat warm-up 205x5
Ab Rollouts x10
Squat warm-up 245x5
Ab Rollouts x10
Squat Work Set 285x5
Pushups x10
Squat Work Set 325x5
Dbl row 50x10
Squat Work Set 365x5
Pushups x10
Squat 285x5
Dbl row 50x10
Squat 285x5
Pushups x10
Squat 285x5
Curls 45x20
Squat 285x5
Pushups x10
Squat 285x5
Curls 45x20
Time 41:26
Keep going at it!