It’s the middle of the week and you’re just going through the motions of life waiting for the weekend, only to start all over again the following week.
What keeps life interesting?
For many of us, it’s uncertainty.
If you know what to expect day after day then life’s not very interesting, but trying something new changes this.
I never know what’s going to happen in Jiu Jitsu. Some days are good and I feel like I know exactly what I’m doing, others I feel like I don’t know anything. Some days I’m able to submit, other days I get submitted. Although this can be frustrating, it also keeps it interesting. I still get a pit in my stomach every morning before heading there.
In contrast, I’m baffled by how many lifters train just by squatting, benching, and deadlifting each session. It seems to be the norm now. The monotony has to be killing them, plus it creates unnecessary joint stress by going through a full ROM each session, even if they are rotating through different percentages or RPEs. It explains why most of them don’t last more than a year or two.
I designed the Minimalist Method not only to be based off of percentages of a reasonably projected max, but also to provide different movements each training session. One week you could be performing box squats with chains, the next full squats with reverse bands. The accessory work rotates weekly as well and the reps are programmed with sets of 8 to 12 for hypertrophy. To me the rotating movements just make sense. They provide variety that your body has to adapt to and keeps you interested, while still being based off of percentages to increase your max.
Conspiracy theories are just fun, whether they’re true or not.
Try something new.
Keep life interesting.