Here is an old video I forgot to post from late last year.
The weekend of this lift we had an injury prevention seminar in the gym. @elitefts was the host so it wasn’t our event so we moved our Squats on Saturday to Friday night and Bench after the event on Sunday.
At the time, I was pushing my best on how many chains I could handle with 3 plates on the SS Yoke Bar and (pay attention here). I #grinded out 3 plates (15 chain) for 1 rep. I left it loaded for the weekend because the lift took all I had, I figured it would look good for the event, and I’d tear in down Sunday.
On Saturday, the mead head texts began. This somehow lead to my squat and me saying “I could squat that shit cold”. Of course, this led to me being called out with something like, “It’s still loaded - do it Sunday”.
Do I joke my way out of this, play along and just hope they drop it? I went Ghost Mode for an hour or so and then it began...
In my head, Do you NOT think you can do it? If you don’t do it then you are scared? Are you really scared of something that’s on a barbell? What’s the worst thing that can really happen? A torn tendon, blown out knee, blow my hip out... screw it... I’m doing it!
Once I made the decision- I sent the text. I’m doing it... but need spotters because I won’t have any warm ups to gauge anything.
Not going to lie. I super bloated all day and most of Sunday. Rested, Hot and Cold Contrasts, even ate a can of mixed vegetables with my Ramen packs.
I also went deep self hypnosis mode and visualized it around 30 times in full detail and another 15 on Sunday.
What you see in this video was the result. Not even a free squat warm up. All I did was put my shit on and kept my mind right. I tripled what I barely singled less than 48 hours earlier.
If you listen close at the end you will hear what my thoughts were about warming up at the time.
While this is funny to look back on there is a take away. At a meet, you might NOT be able or have the time to warm up as you think you need.
I’m NOT saying warm ups are bad. They are an essential part of a program but not THE program. A program needs to flow and serve a purpose. The purpose can’t be based on the warm up but the end result. A good warm up -> program will allow deviations if needed or has to happen. If a program MUST always need the warm up for maximum result than the warm up plan isn’t serving the purpose of the program.
Yes, that is a second belt around my ribs. I popped a rib out the Friday I wrote about and yes it hurt like hell.