After I finished the run this morning, a pain set in on the bottom side of my foot. Thinking it was plantar fasciitis again, I hobbled about getting ready to commute to work.
On the ride, my inner dialog started. That is always interesting and sometimes I wish one of my other personalities were present to enjoy the bantar. Regardless of who might be listening, I say, "Self! The foot hurts from the amount of ass you've been kicking. Stop bitchin"
I opened the gym and decided NOT to hold a New Year's Eve Workout as originally planned but to unleash a BEAST of a session for my training crew. Yea, I had a "wild hair..."
Normally there are five to seven of us who get after it in the early session, but we were down to the skeletal crew of me and two other fellas.
As we warming up, I threw all smart and conscientious training protocol out the window and went for stupid, hardcore, ridiculously difficult blood and guts!
When I combined the amount of weight we were pushing with AMRAP numbers that surpassed the 20-25 rep range with the loads, well let us say, Ronnie Coleman and David Goggins might have been impressed.
Stupid? Yes
Progressive? No
What we did was not only stupid and crazy, it was borderline homicidal/sadistic and masochistic.
Was it fun? FUCK YEA, it was!
And sometimes you have to do stuff that's just plain fun.
That's it for the training in 2023.
Now to rest and eat.
Oh yea, I'll go clean the gym tomorrow!
Today's Training:
Run: 3 miles
Cycle: Commute
DB Shoulder External Rotation: 3x10
Squat: Work up to a 2 RM w/ SSB Yoke Bar and a pause on the box
Plate Supination/Pronation for the shoulders: 5x20 Hold a light plate extended to the sides of the body at 90 degrees. Turn the hands up/down. If the traps become engaged, lower the plate until they're not.
GHR: 5x10
DB Lateral Raise: 3x10;1xAMRAP
Narrow Stance Squat: 3x10;1x25
Shrugs: 3x10;1x25
Cycle: Commute