I don't want any of you broads coming down hard on me for writing this but Jeeeeeeeeeezus Christ you are hard to coach. Why does a very simple deadlift session have to turn into a complete psychiatric evaluation that would make Dr Phil run screaming?
When you train a guy you can just about hit him in the head with a hammer and he'll just lift harder and harder. You never once have to worry if he'll cry, laugh, piss his pants, get confused if god forbid you use a new verbal cue, can't perform if the right song isn't on, take bathroom selfies in the middle of training, change their outfit, cry again, Etc.
I was training a girl in my gym today, we'll just call her SALLY ANDERSEN. We are deadlifting and we had the bar moving up and were almost at her top weight for the day. I wanted her to just pull a double for me and she didn't here me and said, "A double?" and the reply I gave sounded so innocent in my head before it came out but boy oh fucking boy was I wrong. It was meant to be kind of inspirational and challenging all at the same time, I said, "Yes a double, although we should pulling five with this by now". Of course because she is a chick she says nothing at all, walks up to the bar, pulls on it and . . . . NOTHING. It's stapled to the fucking floor.
Then all the sudden I'm the bad guy, I'm the dick, I'm the asshole who made her feel weak, she felt I was disappointed in her so that all the strength (That I KNOW she actually has) was magically drained from her body. I did that, I have that much power over her brain, I rule her entire being, I am her puppet master. Then WHY in the hell couldn't I make her pick it up? I still don't have an answer for that.