For consults or on-site clinics on the Conjugate Method and proper strength training for your athletes please email nateharvey2600@gmail.com
In the second wave all of our movements stayed the same. The weekly adjustments will be separated by a / and be bolded. This will allow everyone to see the weekly progressions without clicking back and forth between log posts. I'm also leaving the descriptions in.
This series is also a good example of how the 10 day Conjugate template (4 day plan while lifting 3xs/ week) can work very well. We've had a lot of success with this model with a few of our teams. How it works is you just train whatever day you are on when you come in. For example:
Monday- ME upper
Wednesday - DE lower
Friday - DE upper
Monday- ME lower
Wednesday- ME upper
Friday- DE lower
All accessories were performed as a team. Each exercise is a station. Order does not matter. These were done as timed clusters. The athlete performs 10 reps on my command, then rests approx. 15 sec and we repeat this over and over for the prescribed time. In Wave 1 we did 3 minute clusters. Athletes were not allowed to put down the implement. We were able to use light weights/ bands because after 3 minutes under tension EVERYTHING feels heavy and you WILL stimulate growth. My reasoning for incorporating the clusters was to keep the weights light and push a lot of blood around. These athletes have been practicing/ competing/ traveling since late October so I wanted to get a large amount of work in with out crushing them with heavy weights all the time. I thought we could also build their work capacity with these.
Instead of labeling these by weeks I'm going to say wave because each wave was not completed with in a calendar week.
Wave 1:
Day 1: Max Effort Upper
1. dynamic warm up
2. Ultra mini band pull aparts - 60 total
3. 2 Board - 3 rep max/ Floor Press - 5RM
3 MINUTE CLUSTER ON ALL ACCESSORIES (10 reps/ 15 second rest, repeat for 3 minutes) / 4 minute cluster sets
4. 5-10lb DB lying triceps
5. pulldowns w/ ~30% bodyweight
6. wide grip shrug w/ empty bar
7. see-saw abs - for the whole 3 min, no rest- Bamboo bar
8. Chest supported T raise
9. Team abs
10. Light band shoulder traction
Day 2: Speed Lower
1. Dynamic Warm up
2. seated abduction - doubled up mini band- 80 reps
3. Seated box jump - 4x5 or 20 total
4. Speed squat - 10x2@40% - as soon as your partners off, you're on
3 MINUTE CLUSTER ON ALL ACCESSORIES (10 reps/ 15 second rest, repeat for 3 minutes) / 4 minute cluster
5. Light band prone leg curl
6. Back Ext.
7. Groiners w/ light band
8. Feet hooked sit ups
9. Light Band hip mobility
Day3: Speed Upper
1. Dynamic Warm Up
2. Shoulder clean - 60 total
3. Speed Bench - 8x3@50%
3 MINUTE CLUSTER ON ALL ACCESSORIES (10 reps/ 15 second rest, repeat for 3 minutes) / 4 minute cluster
4.Mini Band Tricep Pushdowns
5. Inverted Row
6. Incline push ups (on elevated bar, usually same as their bench height)
7. Standing banded Y raise - micro mini band
9. Team abs
10. Banded shoulder traction- light band
Day 4: Max Effort Lower
1. Dynamic Warm up
2. fire hydrant- 80 reps
3. Seated box jump with a 10lb plate - 4x5 or 20 total
4. SS Yoke bar Squat - 3 rep max / Cambered bar close stance squat - 3RM
3 MINUTE CLUSTER ON ALL ACCESSORIES (10 reps/ 15 second rest, repeat for 3 minutes) / 4 minute cluster
5. Pistol Squat to bench - 3 reps/leg
6. Ankle weight Reverse Hyper
7. ankle weight knee raise
8. Front Plank 45 sec on/ 15 sec break
9. Band hip mobility