Very few things that others do, bothers me much.
I have cleaned the gym and watched it deteriorate right before my eyes. I have stacked weights in their proper sequence only to come in the next day and see 25's stacked behind 45's and goodness knows where those donuts end up.
I might get temporarily miffed, but rarely bat shit crazy over this.
What really get's me to grind gears, is when things go awry in the weight room and my "room mate" thinks I did it. I have gone over many times with my people, proper protocol. "Never take the Texas Dead Lift Bars off the Dead Lift Platforms". "Never LEAVE bars in the cages or mono lifts, always return them to the bar holders", "Police up the A.O. (area of operation) and leave it in better condition than we find it.
I went in early to train and found multiple bars (TWO from the Dead Lift Platforms) on the benches.
I looked at the chaotic carnage of Prowlers stacked on top of Sleds that BLOCKED the entrance.
Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's my lack of sleep (today, so far) but right now, I'd like to throat punch the culprits who don't give a rip.
I wonder what their homes look like?
I'm going to nap and on the other side of that, I'm sure all will be returned to it's Organic Order.
1. 3 Board Floor Press
Work up to a heavy 5 reps
Then add 10 lbs and do TWO more sets of 5 reps.
2. JM Press
3 warm up sets
4 work sets of 5 (these should be one rep shy of failure)
3. Rack Scraping Overhead Press
3 warm up sets
2 heavy work sets of 10 reps
4. D.B. Lateral Raise
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