I said this past week a few things that jump started my thought process.
I have been preaching about what it takes...It takes physical strength to reach the starting line, but it takes MENTAL strength to get to the FINISHING line.
I have hammered home the "Calloused Mind" thought process and how to overcome sticking points with "try harder" and "do this or that".
I have had a system that I've applied over the years to make people stronger, faster, better conditioned, smarter, and sexier, but have NOTHING on how to become mentally strong.
I talk about it. I affirm it. I have nifty sayings to promote it. But I have NO system to develop it with others.
I am now locked on to use my experiences and put them into words to help step by step a SYSTEM to improve the mental aspect of "Training" and for that matter...perhaps LIFE?
After all, Sport and the preparation of it is a microcosm of LIFE!
Now to put pen to parchment!
Anyone's input would be greatly appreciated as well.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 25 mins
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
Windsheild Wipers: 3x12
Ab Wheel: 3x12
Tempo Arms
Two sets of 6-8 reps moving the weight as slow as you can without it stopping or jerking. If you get less than 6 reps go down in weight on the second set. More than 8 go up five pounds. After each slow set is done, reach down deep and pump out 5-6 more reps quickly of the following exercises:
Barbell Curl
Rope Tricep Push downs
DB Curls
DB Supine Tricep Extension
DB Hammer Curll
*Concentration Curl: 3x30 NOT done slow...just gush blood into those 'ceps
Bike Commute: 30 minutes
AirDyne AGAIN: 22 minutes