My body and strength keep heading in the right direction. I hit my top set for my amrap cutoff of 10 for both bench and deadlift. It's a little sad the bench numbers are the same as my squat and deadlift. However, that will be changing.
With the hip and back feeling better, the lower body numbers have felt easier than the upper body. I'm strongly believing by next summer there will be a decent disparity between the two. Especially now that my focus is on being strong all over versus a bench only guy.
I was definitely in a better place this week because I was able to get back to the lower handles on the trap bar. The upper handles are a nice option when things are flared up, but I always want to be shooting for the lower handles. I always hear Wendler busting my balls in my head when I use the uppers.
Like it's been said the last bunch of posts, as long as I keep my body busy it feels good. So that's what I'll keep doing. Next week is deload so I'll probably condition a little more/harder.
I still have another 10-20 lbs I want to lose and that definitely slows down as the intensity of lifting is dialed down on deload. I have been dropping at the rate of about one lb a week lately and I'd like to keep that going.
-30 minute weight vest walk
-Light kb swings 4x25
-Foam roll/stretch
-Treadmill 40 minutes
-Pull throughs 2x25
-Bench 280x5, 315x3, 355x10
-Close grip shoulder saver with legs up 280 5x8
-Inverted barbell rows w/20 lb vest 5x15
-Floor barbell triceps ext 95 5x15
-Dbl curls 30 3x15
-Trap bar deadlift 280x5, 315x3, 355x10, 280 5x8
-Ab wheel rollouts 5x10
-Bulgarian split squats 5x10
-Back raises 25 5x10
-Foam roll
-Blast strap circuit
-30 minute walk with 40 lb weight vest
-Dynamic warmup/stretch
-Foam roll