I got a question on Instagram this week that wasn't fun to answer. The person asking the question asked if I thought I'd make the cut this year for Masters WSM...so I began really thinking.
I really tried in 2019 and even though I was close...I wasn't. I was too small, my meds were off, my back was totally screwed up. Since then I've corrected my meds as best as I can, I've gained 40 lbs, made a reverse hyper, and my food intake is huge! With my training I've backed up, minimized to the basics, and started making core lift progress.
But will it be enough?
10 weeks ago it hurt to pull a single with 440 lbs, I got 10 reps with it last week. 10 weeks ago I got ZERO reps with a 220 lb log clean and press, I got 10 clean and press reps with it last week. But will that be enough?
This is what they do.
Roughly the top 10 from last year get an automatic invite.
They will invite the winners of a few big shows throughout the year this year. That puts us with around 15 pre-qualified.
They want 30 athletes which means in the qualifiers they will take the top 15.
I've never qualified in the top 15 before.
The chances are freaking slim. Being honest here...amazingly slim. I'd need to get really lucky and quite a few people would have to drop out...and then it is still a stretch...
During the qualifying 6-8 weeks I'm sure that my food will have to increase even more. I'll need to do cardio a few times per week. I'll probably need ice baths and sea swimming for recovery. I'm sure I'll have to go see a physiotherapist at least twice per week. I'll wear an e-stim machine 24 hours per day. Will probably need another cortisone shot in my back, increase my 700 reverse hypers pwer week to well over 1200, get 9-10 hours of sleep per day, and not get sick...but I'll have to go out knowing that I spent a full year giving it everything that I had in the process. Nothing less.
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