Yes, he was born “THIS” way.
No, he’s not like Rainman. Autism is a spectrum with the person having their own characteristics which can be significantly different.
The best way I’ve heard it described is that if you know one person with autism it means just that; knowing one person with autism.
Yes, he has empathy, he just may show it differently, and may actually feel it more than most.
THIS was not caused by a vaccine - or - not getting one.
THIS was not caused by poor parenting.
No, he may not find humor in what you think is funny... but he does have a sense of humor.
Yes, he may go hours or days without having any type of meaningful conversation but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think or care.
No, he may not talk much but when he does it’s worth the wait.
No, I have no idea if he’s going to be a lawyer, surgeon, computer programmer or take another so called “autistic suited profession."
He’s fifteen years old; likes cartoons, video games and too much sugar. He doesn’t know what he wants to be or do.
I can tell you one thing about “THIS.”
He’s loved “unconditionally” by all his family and has some friends that look out for him.
From what I see in the world around me, we could all use more of “THIS.”
Defining Autism - Beyond the Label
#elitefts #autism #autismawareness
A percentage of proceeds from ALL sales from @elitefts will be donated to Haugland Learning Center as part of Autism Awareness Month.
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