My guy turned 11 this year. At the fifth grade level we thought there should be a few things that light needed shedding upon, and it best come from Hunter's Mom and Me, than some random kid blowing up H's existence.
I knew this time of year was coming and I wanted to be ahead of the curve.
Back in August when Hunter had his birthday, I thought it would be a good time rather than the Holidays to tell him about Santa Claus.
While sitting at the kitchen table having dinner, I turned to him and said...Hey Bud. I know it's kind of soon to talk about Christmas and the Holidays in general, but I wanted to let you in on a secret.
He turned to me and asked, "Is this where you are going to tell me that there is no such thing as Santa Claus?"
I was floored. He KNEW? But by the look in his eye he didn't want to believe that Santa didn't exist.
I snapped back...Well, Santa isn't really for kids as much as he is for Moms and Dads. He looked confused. (that was a good thing)
I said SURE! Moms and Dads are made to feel young and festive with the thoughts and hopes of a Santa Claus. You see, Santa is what is RIGHT in the world. A fat dude that breaks into your house not to take things, but to GIVE you things and spread more importantly a FEELING of CONTRIBUTING rather than always taking.
He smiled. Then needed clarification:
"Elf on the Shelf?"
NOPE...not real. As a matter of fact I'm glad we don't have to move that quadriplegic anymore, and the note writing...all me!
"Easter Bunny?"
NOPE...wabbits don't lay colorful eggs and they certainly don't hide them all over the county. That's littering and it's really illegal.
"TOOTHFAIRY! There's a tooth fairy, right?"
NOPE, she's a tooth grabbing slut!
"DAMN, Dad..."
I made sure he was cool with the idea that we had pretended to appeal to our own sense of parenting and that we didn't mean to "fib" to him. But, better he find out this way than one for his buds at school thinking he's an immature baby. (not that kids do that anymore)
But the unwritten rule is that he is NOT at liberty to help anyone who might still believe in the traditions. That their moms and dads needed to have the same sit down explanations and it wasn't up to him. He MUST continue the "secret" for all eternity until he might possibly need to unveil the truths to his own kids some day.
He then turned to me and said..."Hey Dad, when Christmas and Hanukah come around, can we still pretend that there's a Santa?"
I smiled and laughed..."YES, Hunter, there is a Santa Claus"!!!
Last of this training wave:
Squat: 34 reps, 33, 33, @ 45 bar
Split Squat: 34,33,33, @BW
Rear Stepping Lunge: 34,33,33, @BW
RDL: 34,33,33,@45 bar
GHR: 50 reps
Calf Raise: 50 reps
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