One night's great sleep and I feel terrific.
I was sleeping so soundly that I slept right through the normal wake up time by a half hour. I thought..."F@*K Now I'm going to need the car to drive in" Then went to "Ef it" on the "Have to" menu.
Got through the morning rituals and feedings and mounted up on my bicycle. Must have been down hill or with the wind, because I CRUISED!!!
Since the blood was moving quite nicely we settled in for FIVE five cone Prowler Suicides.
Each rep = 150 yards in total=750 yards of Conditioning bliss.
Right after that it was Dynamic Squats 8 sets of 2 @60%. Doesn't sound bad, but the Mastodon bar by itself, felt like 60%
Ended the session with 8x1 Dead Lifts of the SUMO variety with the same weight.
My ride home, needless to say, felt totally UP HILL and against the WIND.
Ever notice those inspirational posters or on the internet they are called meme? (I don't even know how to pronounce that...meme?)
I saw one yesterday and was put off by it. It had a guy (in good shape) HOWLING or yelling with his mouth wide open, eyes closed, head tilted up to the heavens with the saying..."Come in the gym like you are going to War"
Might be my sarcastic nature, but Going to War vs. Going to the Gym....NOT a very good comparison. Actually NO comparison at ALL!
I'm all for going all out in the gym, but really when you are finished, you're probably going home to a nice meal and some T.V. and some rest in a comfortable bed with no one trying to blow you up, or shoot you dead.
I go to the gym to RAGE, or BLOW OFF some rage. I go to the gym to defy natural responses to aging. I go to the gym to acquire new skills and strength. I go to the gym to be social when I am finished and those around me have finished.
I go to the gym to be around "like minded" people.
I go to WAR...to KILL and Survive. PERIOD!
War is NOT the gym.
My gym is a safe place. Crude, rude, and sometimes nude...but it's for the most part a SAFE environment.
War is NOT my idea of a safe place with many hugs and snuggles.
So don't think for a minute that a "MEME" about Going into a GYM equates remotely with going to WAR. Shit...It isn't even "Beast Mode" and THAT'S for another post entirely.
For every Yin there is a Yang
Pull up totals=5774
Push Up totals=6791
Dip Totals-8983
Prowler Totals: 23,782 yards