I run in the park behind my house for now, DAILY and about the same time each day too. There are certain people that you see at that time and they begin to recognize you as well.
I've lived in quite a few places over the years and have always remarked that you have arrived when people get use to seeing you and begin to wave.
I wonder (as I often do) what these nameless people do, what have they done, and what their desires to do are?
Maybe it's just me, during my rest intervals to conjure up great stories about them, or maybe I'm just a psycho...Probably BOTH!
Anyway, one thought that permeates a lot of my thinking is...In a pinch, where do we each lay? I mean...when it gets down to the last breaths..what are you? Predator or Prey?
Yesterday, for no particular reason (insert Forrest Gump accent) this older fella who was walking the park caught me in the end zone of one of the football fields and asked, "Hey! Why do you run like that?"
My first few thoughts were; is talking about technique? Is he wondering why I sprint for physiological reasons? Why is he engaging me?
I answered him...PRACTICE!
He asked, "you play on a team?"
I responded, My Own! I'm honing my skills in tracking and running down my prey for dinner!
He looked at me as if he needed to call 9-1-1.
I yelled...You're SAFE! You're too small!!! Not enough MEAT!
I then chuckled to myself, because I'm sure he couldn't hear me anyway.
But yea, that's why I do it! I want to remain HIGH on the Food Chain!
Today's Training:
Work up to in sets of 10 reps, 220 ...Women use 140 pounds (Don't be lazy..NOT 225)
Then do 5 x 10 @ 220
Dead Lift:
Go right to it! 220 pounds Women should use the same 140 pounds
5 sets of 10 reps. this should feel like you're running sprints
GHR: 60 reps in as few sets as possible. Two is almost NOT acceptable.
Bike Commute: 18 minutes
Sprint I : 10x10 @50%
Sprint II : 7x100 @75%