"I’ve lived through things I would never have thought I was capable of, and I’m not as afraid as I used to be.
The process of wounding wakens us to our strength. It shuffles our values, and the top priority is never what you thought it would be.
It’s never about perfection or power.
It always turns out to be about LOVE.
Knowing ourselves to be vulnerable and our time here to be limited, we’re freed to live more passionately and fully…than we have before, to discover what’s worth fighting for and who we are…real strength lies buried at the depths of any wound we have…SURVIVED."
Dynamic Bench: 8x2x58%
Dead Stop DB Row: 2x8x75; 3x6x100
Giant Band Tricep Push Downs: 3x20
DB Lateral Raise: (full range) 3x12x30
Cable Fly: 3x20x35
Prowler: 6x40x140